To apply for Junior Membership, please complete the online form below or alternatively you can print a hard copy of the applicationform by clicking here.
Your Junior Membership runs until you are 18 so there is no need to reapply each year. When you are 18, please apply for membership using the RENEWING MEMBERS ONLINE APPLICATION FORM by clicking here.
To see what we do with your data / personal information and how we store and protect it, please click here to see TVA General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy. Before we can process your application please provide the following items:
1 passport photo - you can upload your photo at the bottom of the online application form below or email it to [email protected]. If you are posting your application form please write the Junior members name on the back of the photo. PLEASE NOTE A PHOTO OF A PHOTO IS NOT OF ACCEPTABLE QUALITY TO BE REPRODUCED IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP BOOK AND YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL WE RECEIVE AN ORIGINAL PHOTO OF YOUR HEAD AND SHOULDERS
A self addressed envelope with a stamp or you can pay £1.50 using the Paypal page (Link will become visible once the submit button has been clicked) and we will provide this for you or your parent/guardian can collect the Junior Membership Book from the address below - please email [email protected] or phone John (07976 794880) to arrange
Please send postal applications to: Trent Valley Angling, Foxglove Bungalow, Church Lane, Thrumpton, Notts. NG11 0AX